Bespoke jacket – Tailor-made to every occasion

Bespoke jackets are a pillar of any fine wardrobe. At ATELIER VERTO, we offer men and women the opportunity to create a custom garment that is perfectly tailored to their measures and style, whether it's a formal jacket or a sports jacket.

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Bespoke jackets in Zurich

With a wide range of options for fabrics, cuts and details such as buttons or pockets, which can be taken into account when customising, our tailor-made jackets ensure a distinctive fit and appearance.

Made-to-measure for the perfect fit

The journey begins with a personal style consultation. You will be advised by our experienced tailors to create a made-to-measure jacket that meets your lifestyle and preferences. 

After being custom-made in Italy and fine-tuned in our atelier in Zurich, the jacket passes into your hands. Every step is carried out by an experienced tailor to ensure the highest quality and a perfect fit.